About Us

Meet Team Vriddhi

50+ years of combined expereince across Business, Tech, Product, Marketing, Design and Strategy.
We are all working professionals with a passion for teaching and have built Vriddhi with an aim to democratise tech education.

Our Coaches

Students Testimonials

4.5 rating based on 1,234 ratings
Vriddhi has played a pivotal role in preparing me
for the prouct Interviews. The Instructors are super supportive and were hands-on with my learning. Sanket's LinkedIn

Sanket Bante


4.0 rating based on 1,234 ratings
The Coaches at Vriddhi are experienced and have a hands-on approach. They have been super supportive and have helped score well in my APM interviews. Kudos to the team at Vriddhi Shubham's LinkedIn

Shubham Danannavar


Students placed across Industries